50-Year-Old Color Blind Man Sees Color For The First Time; The Moment Was Captured on Video

Image Courtesy: GoodNewsNetwork

Imagine the world without color. Everything around you is black, white and gray. For individuals that are color-blind, this is life. While most people only suffer from color-deficiency in which they can see some colors. Those with color-deficiency find it most difficult to see red, green, blue or mixtures of these colors. Most commonly, individuals see red and green as the same exact color, and this is referred to as red-green color-blindness.

Issues seeing colors affect 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women in the world. For most people, they are born without the ability to see certain colors. Although diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, aging and certain medications can cause a person to go color-blind. Sufferers of the deficiency often do not know they have it. 40% of students leaving secondary school do not know they have it.

Now, imagine living for 50 years and being completely color-blind. Chris Smelcer was not just color deficient, but he could only see in black and white. His color-blindness was the most severe since he could not do in color whatsoever.

His family always felt sorry for him as they watched him live without the ability to see all the vibrant things the world offers. On his 50th birthday, they decided to do something about his condition.

They gave him the greatest and most beautiful gift imaginable – the gift of color. Christ opened his birthday gift and was very surprised. It was a pair of Enchroma glasses. At first, Chris was unsure the glasses would work for him and honestly give him life in color.

Despite his doubts, Chris put the glasses on. A miracle happened. He burst into tears as the world suddenly came alive with hues he had never seen before. Chris could see the blue color of his jeans and green of the trees; he noticed the beautiful colors of his 50th birthday balloons.

“Chris was so overwhelmed I don’t think he has tears left,” says Delila Watson Smelcer in the video description.

It’s mind-blowing to imagine living your entire life in black and white. And it is, even more, mind boggling to finally get the ability to see color after going forever without it. For Chris, this rare and incredible manifestation is his new reality. I’m sure his family was very fortunate they decided to take the chance and see if the glasses would work.

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