What’s your most hilarious parenting moment?…Well, it might not be funny to you now, but in a few years you’ll look back and laugh!
1. Scared to hold your own newborn…
You oh-so-carefully picked up your new baby. With extremely gentle hands, you dressed your newborn in their teeny-tiny clothes. You were nervous to give your baby a bath and worried about each and everything that the baby did as you wondered if it was normal.

2. The Ridiculous Things You Googled…
How long do babies typically cry? Is it normal for my baby to not walk yet? Why does my baby keep drooling? Why won’t my baby let me put her down? What are the symptoms of a concussion? How to get my child to eat veggies? Can you tell if someone is going to be a criminal when they’re a toddler?
3. The Amount Of Time You Worried About Their Sleep Patterns…
Maybe you didn’t track each moment your tot was sleeping, but boy did you worry about if his or her sleep patterns were normal.

4. The Frantic Doctor Phone Calls…
In a few years, you’ll look back and crack up at the number of times you actually called (or thought about calling) your child’s doctor. You wanted to know what was normal. Any out of the ordinary activity freaked you out so you HAD to double check.
5. The Baby Food…
You might laugh about how big of a freak you were about your baby’s food. At first, you swore you would make it homemade and then you realized the nonexistent amount of time you have.

6. The Extensive Amount of Pictures…
In our techy world taking a photo is SO easy. Luckily, we are past the days of Polaroid and film cameras because think about the thousands of photos you have of your child. At least they’re saved digitally. But admit it, you have hours and hours of videos for every “first” and cute moment your child had. It will be hilarious to look back on the insane amount of footage you have saved.
7. The First Low-Grade Fever…
Hands down one of your scariest moments (or at least you thought). This goes back to the doctor’s phone calls…chances are you freaked out and called doc to make sure baby was okay. Of course, the doctor confirmed as long as the fever stays low-grade, everything is fine!

8. The Germaphobe…
Constantly wiping down toys, tables, light switches , heck even the walls. You wanted to make sure no dangerous germ came near your child. Safety first!
9. The Babysitter…
It was date night so you needed a sitter. You decide to catch dinner and movie so you go ahead and get the kids ready for bed before you even leave the house. So, in other words, you basically paid your sitter to literally sit on the couch as the kids slept.
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