9-Year-Old Applied To NASA; Gets A Priceless Response Letter!

Every child has big dreams for when they grow up. Some little girls hope to become princesses with a castle and prince charming. Others aspire to work with animals and become veterinarians. Young minds have high optimisms for their futures. After all, the world is their oyster and dreaming big is the best way to do big things. One nine-year-old boy carried these high hopes, except there is one difference. Jack Davis didn’t want to wait till he was grown up to work his dream job, he wanted to do it right now. The boy even wrote a letter to NASA to explain exactly why they should hire him.

A little “Guardian of the Galaxy” applied to NASA. The self-proclaimed alien fighter told NASA he was fit for the position of a new planetary protection officer. NASA was searching for an individual to guard earth against “microbial contamination from another planet.” The young boy took this as an opportunity to defend planet earth from other specimens…such as aliens.

Image Courtesy: Business Insider

The adorable fourth grader from New Jersey told the space agency that he has plenty of experience. Little Davis believes he is fully capable to for the position. In a letter to NASA, he said he had seen almost every space and alien movie. Therefore, his experience is stellar.

He told NASA he is continuing to gain more galactic knowledge. Davis told NASA he has already seen the show Marvel Agents of Shield and plans to watch the movie Men in Black. Surprisingly, the mega-agency paid attention to Davis’s letter. Not only did they reply to the message itself, but the Planetary Research Director Jonathan Rall called Davis as well.

NASA responded to little boy’s high aspirations. Unfortunately, Davis is a bit young to work for the space agency and needs to wait a few more years. The director of NASA’s planetary science division, James L. Green, replied to Davis. He explained what to young Davis that ‘protecting’ our planet did not involve fighting off aliens. The position deals with and prevents tiny microbes and germs that could harm the earth.

Image Courtesy: Business Insider

Green said, “It’s about protecting Earth from tiny microbes when we bring back samples from the Moon, asteroids, and Mars. It’s also about protecting other planets and moons from our germs as we responsibly explore the Solar System.”

The director went onto praise Davis on his high hopes and dreams of working for the space agency. He told Davis that NASA is always on the lookout for intelligent future scientists and engineers. NASA told Davis to continue going to school and studying hard. Green said he hopes to see Davis at NASA someday.

Maybe in a few years down the road, Davis can revisit his dream of becoming a protector of earth and even try to work for NASA in the future. The planetary protection officer position brings in a pretty high salary at $127,000 a year. Little Davis should continue his studies and maybe one day can take on the job for NASA.

Watch The Full Story Below!

Source: CNN

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