One of the greatest things someone can do for others is once they are ahead in life, and have had the success of their own, to pay that forward, and reach back to help pull others ahead, to keep the cycle of kindness going as long and as far as possible. That very idea is what sparked a television program in the UK, called “Get a House for Free,” to look for a family that was in need of a place to live, because multi-millionaire Marco Robinson wanted to pay his good fortune forward by buying that family a house.

Marco met with three families in need, a teenage mother, Holly, only 18, who was living in a mold infested house with her infant child, Jo, a woman losing her eye sight, and a family of Syrian refugees just getting started in the country. Ultimately, all of the stories touched Marco, and he made it a mission to help each one. For Jo, he gave her money for a deposit on a home, the main thing holding her back from her home ownership. For the Syrian family, Marco made sure they had a place to live while they waited for their asylum to be granted, which will let them put down more permanent roots in the country, but for Holly, the young mother in need, Marco went a step further.

Marco himself had been homeless as a child, going from place to place with his mother, and sometimes sleeping outside on park benches. He was so touched by Holly’s own story, and the thought of her child growing up the same way he did, that he bought Holly a three bedroom house of her own, for her to live in forever and raise her child in. He told Holly, “I want you and Bethany to have a solid place to live – a home. I want you to get out there and better yourself. You’ll be able to go to college.”
Holly was completely overcome by the gesture, one so grand that most people will never experience something like it. She thanked Marco for changing her life, adding, “There’s no words for this. I’m so happy not just for my sake but for Bethany, so I can give her a future I can give her stability.”
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Source: The Independent
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