Waiter’s Kindness Towards A Widow Is Repaid The Next Day With An Amazing Gesture

Featured Image Courtesy: Shareably (www.dev.shareably.net)

When someone performs an act of kindness or pays it forward, they aren’t usually looking to be repaid in any way.  It is just something you do to help someone else or make their day! That’s why a Dallas area waiter was so shocked when he was repaid for something small he did for someone else.

Kasey Simmons was at a local grocery store one day when he noticed that the woman in front of him was upset and crying. Not knowing what was wrong, Simmons decided to step in and try to make her feel better.  He told her she was beautiful and also insisted on paying for her $17 grocery bill. To Simmons, it wasn’t about the money but about reaching out to another person to demonstrate that he cared.

Image Courtesy: ABC News (www.abcnews.go.com)

The next day while at work, Simmons was going about his normal day when a family walked in. All they ordered was water with some flavor in it. They paid the bill and left. All of this probably seemed strange to Simmons when he got the biggest surprise of his life. He received the largest tip of his life on a $0.37 bill. It was $500. While this would leave many a waiter completely bewildered but overjoyed, he quickly realized why it was happening. The family had left a note explaining the reasoning behind the large tip.

The person who left the note was none other than the daughter of the woman he had helped the previous day. We live in what seems to be a small world sometimes. In the note, she said that he had made one of her mother’s most depressing days of the year a wonderful day. The daughter also says that she had not seen her mother smile that much since her Dad died.

Image Courtesy: ABC News (www.abcnews.go.com)

The day that Simmons happened to bump into the woman was the 3-year anniversary of her husband’s death. Not the kind of day you want to be stuck buying groceries at the grocery store. A day she normally would’ve spent feeling sad and lonely, was made much better by the kindness of a stranger. Simmons said that when people smile, he feels better and makes his world a little lighter. While the widow and her family remain mostly anonymous, their generous gift to a kind stranger is making its way around the internet, proving that a little kindness can go a long way.

In our fast paced and technology fueled world, we’ve found it easy to put bubbles around ourselves, forgetting the kind of impact we can have on each other both negatively and positively. Simmons has the type of personality that draws you in, but he’s also clearly about stepping out of his bubble and trying to get someone else to smile. I’ve witnessed feeling a little down and then having someone simply smile at me, making my day ten times better. So, take a chance today and cheer someone up, you never know what will happen!

Watch The Full Story Below!

Video Courtesy: YouTube via Jacqueline Sarkissian

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Source: Huffington Post

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