After enduring abuse, many animals become skittish and nervous around people, but Hiro Stanley has a slightly different story. He was found in the garbage, wrapped in a bag inside of a backpack. He was on the brink of death when he was found and was rushed to Alberta Animal Services for emergency treatment. Alberta Animal Services is a shelter and animal care agency in Canada. At the shelter, they discovered that Hiro had endured many types of abuse. He was suffering severe head trauma, broken pelvis, neurological problems, and blindness. He was also clearly starved. It seemed the abuse had been happening for some time because some of the injuries were new and some were old. To top all of this off, he had almost suffocated inside of the bag.

None of this stopped him from loving on all of the people that were caring for him. Rather than becoming defensive or skittish after enduring his years of abuse, he would purr and want cuddles whenever the nurses came to take care of him. His caretakers gave him the name Hiro after a character from the TV show Heroes. The name describes him perfectly after all he has endured.
According to Erica Coomber, director of operations at Alberta Animal Services, there were days where she wasn’t sure if Hiro would make it. Over time and several surgeries, he started eating well and regained his sight. Not all his issues will go away but he’s doing remarkably well.
Many of the funds provided for his surgery came from a woman named Jennifer and her husband James who were touched by Hiro’s story. They were so moved by his story that they even wanted the opportunity to adopt him when he was ready. They were convinced someone else would be able to adopt Hiro but their frequent visits to see Hiro impressed Coomber and helped seal the deal for Jennifer and James. They did a test visit to see if it would really be a good fit and then Hiro officially moved in. They call him Hiro Stanley. Stanley is the name of her Father who was diagnosed with blood cancer 22 years ago and was given two years to live. He is still alive today which is why they gave the name to their cat as well since they are both survivors.
His first six months of adoption were a little rough; he would howl when his adoptive mom and dad weren’t around and when it was time to sleep he needed a lot of comforts to settle in, and he’d move a lot while sleeping. Jennifer was likening the behavior to him trying to get out of a bag which is a possibility given where he was found. It took a lot of patience and love, but he is sleeping much better and no longer cries whenever his parents aren’t around.
Animal abuse is a tragedy, but through adoption and rescue organizations like the Alberta Animal Services, many animals have hope and a renewed life. This story has a happy ending, and hopefully, there will be more happy endings for other animals!
Watch His Amazing Journey Below!
Video Courtesy: YouTube via Erica Coomber (
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Source: Today
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