When Don Gause’s family made him sit down on the couch for a surprise, telling him to keep his eyes closed, he had no idea what to expect. His wife, Marcia Gause, set down a bag in front of him and told him to open his eyes, but didn’t give him any other clues about what was happening. At first, Don was confused, the bag said, “It’s a boy!”, and as far as Don knew, no one was pregnant. He played along, asking what the bag means, and making light hearted jokes about how he didn’t sign up for a baby, but when no one explained to him what the bag was for, he was completely at a loss for what the bag meant.

Don did notice however that several members of his family were recording him, and wondered out loud about the whole situation, from the cameras to the mysterious bag, to the message it’s a boy. Finally, the family decided to let him in on what was happening, and Don’s eleven-year-old stepson stepped forward to read a speech. Tyler cleared his throat and began one of the most emotional moments of his life.
Looking straight at the speech in his hands, Tyler told his dad, “When I was one and a half years old something happened to me. God sent me a real daddy to me. I knew from the very first time I saw you who you were, you just didn’t know. You kept me when I was sick, took me to my first day of school, bought my first bike and taught me how to ride it. You taught me how to count, you correct me when I’m wrong, pick me up when I’m down, you give me what I need. I know that we were supposed to be father and son, people even say I look like you. Daddy, I have been your child from love since I can remember, but I want to be your son legally, will you please adopt me?”

By the time Tyler was finished with his emotional speech, both he and Don were openly crying. Don immediately grabbed his son into a big hug and told him that yes, of course, he would adopt him. Don wasn’t done bringing joy to his family though, making them all laugh before the video ends by joking about how wrong they are for filming him crying, saying, “y’all wrong for this.” The video ends with father and son sitting beside each other on the couch looking forward to their future together as a legal family.
Watch The Heartfelt Moment Below!
Video Courtesy: YouTube via Today (www.youtube.com)
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Source: Daily Mail
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