In the moments leading up to evacuate your home due to a natural disaster, the items you’re trying to pack frantically are usually the essentials. You may not be thinking of your child’s favorite toy or blanket. You might even be thinking that you’ll be coming back to your home soon enough and don’t need too many sentimental things. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a home to go back to and may end up displaced and lost everything. One six-year-old girl wants to make sure that the kids in those families have something to hold onto as a source of comfort.

Jena Peltier was listening to the radio one day when she heard something that upset her. The radio DJ said that many people were now homeless because of the destruction of hurricanes Harvey and Irma. She was concerned for these families and asked her mom questions including wondering where they would be staying. She used her concern for these families and channeled them into an idea. She often sought comfort in her own stuffed animals when she was scared, so she decided she wanted to send stuffed animals to the children of the displaced families.

Jena’s mom Christina wanted to help make her daughter’s dream a reality. The solution was to create a toy drive and share it on Facebook. There was an overwhelming response. A thrift store called The Litter Box donated all of their stuffed animals, friends from Kansas and people from all over the country have decided to pitch in. It became such a big deal that they were being interviewed by multiple news sources. This was not what the family expected to happen, but they are amazed at the generosity.
The stockpile of stuffed animals started with Jenna’s own collection. Before sending them off to victims, she gives each of them a hug and also ties a card to the animal and signs her name. She ended up giving away 16 of her own animals. She couldn’t bear to part with her favorite one though. Her little bunny named Emma.

The toy drive has turned into a community affair. Jena’s grandmother works for a real estate company called Cowart Realty, and they were the toy drive’s headquarters for their kickoff event. Even the owner is getting in on the action. He ordered a banner, posted fliers, and even brought in a bag full of animals. Christina is managing and coordinating drop-off options through Facebook, and so far, there are five families receiving animals. She said that reality set in when one family sent her a photo of their daughter’s destroyed room. Making her realize how worthwhile her efforts truly are.
You never know how a simple act of kindness will impact a family during a time of tragedy. The simple gift of a stuffed animal could truly make a child’s day ten times better during a tragic event. No matter how small the act, it can mean the world to someone else in a time of need.
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Source: Savannah Morning News
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