An office pet is not something you see a whole lot. Animals have a tendency to be a bit distracting, but they also bring a lot of joy and relieve some stress you may have throughout the day. Recently, an office cat decided to make himself a distraction not for those in the office, but for those outside of the office. He managed to “hustle” some money through wheeling and dealing with people on the outside.

Rather than spend the money on frivolous things and fun for himself, he decided to use it for a good cause. The cat, known fondly as CASHnip Kitty, belongs to the workers at GuRuStu which is an advertising company in Tulsa, OK. CASHnip was adopted by the office to hunt mice for them, but after all the mice were gone, they decided he fit in so well that they let him stay permanently.

He’s been with the company for two years now, and in the last few months, they’ve noticed something different about him. After finding him surrounded by a pile of $1 bills, they discovered he’d been somehow hoarding money, but they had no idea where he was getting it. Soon they discovered that someone had been trying to get their beloved cat’s attention and decided the best way was to slip some cash through the crack in the front door. CASHnip had another idea in mind. Rather than be lured to playing with the person, they snatched the cash. It soon became a game for people passing by who heard about what he could do. They started giving him dollars to see if he would take their cash.

Once they discovered the cat with all the money, rather than try and throw an office party or get food for everyone, they decided to donate the unexpected money to a charity called Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless.
In order to get a couple of more donations, the team decided to create a sign, joking about CASHnip’s ability to hustle people out of their money. The sign read “CASHnip Kitty is a hustler with a philanthropic heart. He will snatch your money and donate it to the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless. CASHnip Kitty says, ‘Slide a dollar through the slot and great blessings will follow.’”

They have raised $100 for the charity so far. You can follow CASHnip’s shenanigans on his Facebook page. You’ll find videos of his life in the office and photos of him “hustling” people out of their cash. People give anywhere from $1 to $5. He even has “donation hours” which is pretty much anytime after 5:00 PM. CASHnip has become very popular on the social media platform which has benefited the homeless shelter greatly. He even discovered that some people were disappointed they couldn’t donate because they lived too far away, so a website was set up for himself as well. Overall, this cat and his office mates have turned a pretty funny situation into something beneficial for the community. It’s amazing what you can do with a little time and creativity!
Watch How He “Hustles” Below!
Video Courtesy: YouTube via Inside Edition
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Source: Good News Network and Facebook
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