Flying with children can be an incredibly stressful journey for a parent, and that is why an act of kindness from a woman on a flight from Seattle to Denver has now traveled all over the world, as people are touched by someone helping in a situation that almost everyone has seen or been in before.
It started when Kesha Bernard, a mother of two, posted a picture of herself on Facebook with a baby that wasn’t hers but belonged to a fellow passenger and mom who became flustered when the baby was upset on the flight. It wasn’t long before the picture went viral. Kesha, who had that same day posted on Facebook a call for more common decency in the world, has had praise and interview requests from across the world, including places like Brazil and England.
On this particular flight, Kesha was very aware of the children around her, as this would be her first trip without her two children, a 3-year-old daughter, and 4-year-old son. When she heard the woman three rows behind her, before the plane even took off, struggling with handling her three small children, Kesha immediately felt empathy. The woman’s toddler started to have a meltdown, which then upset the woman’s baby, meaning both children were crying.
Kesha, who said this experience has humbled her, described the situation on the plane, “People were huffing, puffing and mumbling, ‘Why can’t she get her babies to stop crying?’ — That her way of discipline wasn’t working. That really hit me because as a parent you can’t do anything in that situation. The mom was trying to do everything she could. It was just people being rude.”
Although Kesha was several rows up, and in a middle seat, it became increasingly clear to her that no one else was going to step in and help the mother, and instead were growing increasingly hostile towards her, so she stepped in. Kesha approached the desperate mother and made a simple offer to help, saying she could hold the infant so the mother could focus on the toddler, since trying to calm two upset children down on a flight by yourself is an impossible situation.

The mother was more than grateful and willing to accept the help, and Kesha brought the baby back to her own seat. The infant, likely tired from such a hectic airport morning, quickly fell asleep on Kesha’s lap, leading to the viral picture that has brought this situation so much attention. About a fourth of the way into the flight Kesha brought the sleeping baby back to its mother and says her one regret in the whole situation is not getting the mother’s contact info to be able to follow up and check in on her now.
The main takeaway Kesha has is, “When you help people, everything works out better. I’m surprised that people are surprised by people doing something like that. I didn’t do anything extreme or amazing. It’s crazy that it’s getting this much attention, but I’m happy and humble … to have something light and good in the news.”
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Source: Today Show
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