This Hilarious Argument Between Baby And Dog Will Bring Some Positivity Into Your Life

Featured Image Courtesy: YouTube via Tyler Rockwood (

Dogs have always seemed to have a special connection to humans, a connection so strong that we can’t always really put it into words, other than calling dogs humans best friends. Recently though, a mom caught a dog trying to put it into words himself.

The dog noticed that his human sister, a little girl who is not yet old enough to speak in words, was being very vocal about being in a grumpy mood by making words and noises she was making up herself. It is hard to tell if the little girl starts out speaking to the dog, or if the dog heard her first and then decided he would take it upon himself to talk to his human sister, but either way, the results were hilarious, with the two carrying on a conversation.

The mother of the little two saw this and immediately picked up her camera and started filming, so the world could enjoy the adorable exchange and share in her laughter.

Featured Image Courtesy: YouTube via Tyler Rockwood (

It is impossible to know of the two are arguing with each other, perhaps the dog is tired of hearing the baby fuss, and is telling her to get it together, and the baby is telling the dog to mind his own business, or if they are commiserating about their day. The dog could be trying to comfort the baby by saying something along the lines of, “I know exactly what you mean, I have had a hard day too!” Either way, the two certainly love to talk to each other.

Throughout the video, it also seems as if the little girl and the dog are having a kind of sibling rivalry, with the dog matching the baby word-for-word. Although he never leaves his comfy perch on the couch, the dog makes sure his voice is heard loud and clear. He might even know that the baby isn’t saying real words, not the kind his adult owners use with each other, so he just tries to match the babies cry every time, with his own cries getting louder and longer along with the baby.

The animal-centered television channel Animal Planet claims that dogs can, on average, understand about 165 different and unique human words, so they really are better communicators than we give them credit for. This hilarious moment caught on camera is a wonderful reminder that, sometimes, we don’t need words to be able to communicate exactly what we are feeling.

Watch The Hilarious Video Below!

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Source: Shareably

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