9-Year-Old Cancer Patient Wants Christmas Cards For His Last Christmas

Jacob Thompson was only 6 years old when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma in February of 2014, so when only a few weeks ago, as the holiday season was starting, when doctors delivered the news to the now nine-year-old Jacob and his family that he wouldn’t be able to leave the hospital, and only had about a month to live, Jacob and his family were prepared and ready to make the best of the time he has left.

Jacob has always loved Christmas, so his family decided they would bring Christmas to him to brighten up his hospital room. They decorated with full Christmas regalia, putting up a tree, and lights, and even bringing in fake snow to turn the room into a complete winter wonderland. On top of all of that, they have also arranged for Santa Clause himself to visit Jacob in the hospital, to make the little boy’s dreams come true.

Jacob has a special request that his family can’t fulfill themselves, however, and so they are spreading the word through the internet that Jacob would like to receive Christmas cards from across the world, specifically from anyone who “feels inspired to reach out”, because he loves getting cards so much.

In an interview with CNN Jacob’s father, Roger Guay, did his part to spread the word about his son’s request, saying, “He got some cards from this Halloween, and he opened up and saw them and it was like getting a gift. He read it to us and had a big smile his face and his nose scrunched, He was excited to see what people had to say and it just brightened his day.”

Within the first five days of putting out his very special request, Jacob had already received more than one hundred cards, coming from countries all over the world. Jacob’s stepmother Tara Artinyan is quoted as saying, “We have some from the Netherlands, from Australia, from Denmark, We’ve even heard from Antarctica.”

Anyone who would like to send Jacob a card is encouraged to participate, and handmade cards or handwritten notes are especially loved and appreciated. Jacob is especially a fan of Star Wars and penguins, although he is happy to get any Christmas cards people would like to send to him.

If you are interested in sending Jacob a Christmas Card, please send them here:

Jacob Thompson
C/O Maine Medical Center
22 Bramhall Street
Portland, ME 04102


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