This Hospital Has Animals Looking After Their Older Patient’s Mental Health and They Are Happier Than Ever!

Image Courtesy: Ellen Scott (

Holding a fluffy, floppy puppy or petting a soft-as-silk kitten can put a smile on just about anyone’s face. Let’s face it; animals bring joy to so many people. This idea is driving the Funny Tales program at Stepney City Farm. The program provides older adults with animal-assisted therapy. It allows older people to spend time with animals.

Image Courtesy: Ellen Scott (

The sessions are guided, and participants are encouraged and taught about animal care and nature. Participants travel to the farm once a week to engage with their furry friends. It gives the older people an excuse to get out of their house and hang out with new friends and spend time with the animals.

The program mainly focuses on adults over the age of 60 that are lonely or face social isolation. When old people are left in their homes, they began to suffer without any human connection. This can create depression and a very unhealthy life. It’s a complicated problem to fix, but Furry Tales is helping.

Image Courtesy: Ellen Scott (

One of the program’s facilitators, Jane, said Furry Tales works because animals give unconditional companionship, “They also offer physical and emotional comfort and sensory contact for people who may otherwise have to scare physical contact with other.”

Some of the older adults have been visiting the farm for years and say it’s because they enjoy playing with the animals so much. They can spend time with rabbits and cats. The farm also has guinea pigs, ferrets, donkeys, goats, sheep pigs and chickens that visitors can look at. Farm visitors can make toys for the animals, learn about nature, play bingo, work on arts and crafts and even learn about growing veggies and plants.

Image Courtesy: Ellen Scott (

Program outreach Lead Merlin Strangeway explains the reason the program works so well, “Furry Tales is not just animal therapy but is animal-stimulated activity.”

The program allows the older adults to connect with another living creature and get out of their isolation. They are also able to spend time with other pe0ple their age who also attend the program.

“It’s not just a case of stroking rabbit, and that’s all very pretty and cute. It’s about connecting at a very deep level,” Strangeway said.

The participants get to experience lots of one-one time with the animals. Participants say the program is very soothing for them to sit around in a group with the animals. Furry Tales is a win-win for both the participants and the animals receiving so much love and attention.

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