Couple Celebrates 75 Years of Marriage Without Ever Having A Major Fight

Image Courtesy: CBC Canada (

It is a universally acknowledged truth that relationships are hard work. Even though at the end of the day, love and marriage are incredibly rewarding, every couple has their hardships, their disagreements, and even their fights. Every couple that is, except for Charlie and Annie Muise.

Charlie and Annie celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary this month, and they claim to have gotten through all of those 75 years without ever having a major fight. They’ve had petty arguments, or “hard days,” as Charlie says, but their love for each other is what has always shown through even during the tough times. For him and Annie, who are both 95 years old, they simply couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.

Image Courtesy: CBC Canada (

For Annie and Charlie it all started in 1942 when the two wed, and only a couple short weeks later Charlie was shipped off to fight in World War II. They wouldn’t see each other for another three years. Throughout that time though they wrote letters, Annie sent chocolates, and they built a deep and enduring bond that even the time and distance between them could not break. Charlie was not able to talk directly about the war, due to intelligence concerns, so he talked about his feelings and how much he thought about his wife back home, and through letters, they created the future they wanted for themselves, and would come to life once Charlie came home.

When it comes to this time in their lives, Charlie says, “It didn’t feel too good, but she was good and waited for me,” but the letters are what got him through. Thinking back on how many he wrote, he reminisces, “Oh, God did I ever. I wrote a lot of letters.”

So it was that once Charlie returned, and they settled into life together in Novia Scotia, the couple went on to have eight children together. Their home was always full of family, as so many children are enough to keep any two people busy for a lifetime. For his part, Charlie says he loved every minute of it, because, “When you’re in love you’re enjoying yourself.”

Image Courtesy: CBC Canada (

That happiness has also had the benefit of keeping them both healthy, amazingly so, considering they are both halfway through their nineties. With no major health problems, Charlie and Annie are truly a testament to how far in life joy can take you.

When it comes to how they feel about their fantastic milestone anniversary though, the couple doesn’t want to make a fuss, a trait that probably helped them avoid fighting with each other for all of these years. They want to just have a low key celebration with family, and even among themselves, are not outwardly impressed with how far they’ve made it. In fact, Even when asked about it directly, Annie only says, “It’s hard to believe, you know, sometimes it seems like a long time, other times it doesn’t.”

Image Courtesy: CBC Canada (

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